I want to start off first, by saying that I had a fun project planned to post last Monday - but I was duped by Craig (you know - of Craigslist.) I had been coveting these completely amazing, set of 4 bentwood, armchairs that I was going to paint a soft, pale blue. They already came with white canvas cushions, and I was going to make pillows in a fun print. And this whole thing was going to go in my breakfast nook. But Craig tricked me!!!!! The chairs are teeny, tiny!! I'm talkin' chin on the table tiny. I drove all the way out to El Cajon (that's a long ways away) to pick them up. And you want to know what the worst part is???? I chickened out on telling the guy "no thanks!" That's right - I am the proud owner of too-short chairs that I can't use! Lesson learned.
Ok - moving on. As you know, I have been chugging away at re-doing my master bedroom. Side Note: I've decided that calling it a "re-do" is a little mis-leading since it really wasn't done in the first place. So do I call it my master bedroom DO? Anyways, I have been completely struggling with what to put over the bed. Does anyone else struggle with this? It's such an awkward place! You definitely need something that makes a statement. At first I was thinking framed sea fans - but after Aaron Brother's told me that they would do it for $225........PER FRAME, I said "no thank you!"
On to plan B.
Our very good friend/roommate is an amazing photographer. He's actually an engineer by day, but is an extremely talented musician/photographer by night. His Dad happens to be a landscape architect with an awesome yard full of every kind of plant you can think of. Combine the two - and I ended up with over-the-bed art!
Getting these bad boys lined up perfectly proved to be quite a feat! I used the brown paper trick. You trace and cut out the size of your frames on brown paper (or any color really) and then tape them on the wall as you'd like them. Using blue painters tape, you can move them around and arrange them easily.
{check out those straight lines!}
{Final Product}
I've always love the look of the random gallery walls. I don't think the random look was right for our bedroom, but I would like one to do one later in our living room.

{The mother of all gallery walls}

{Organized gallery}